What People Say - Ecommerce Consultancy
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What People Say


Amy was tasked with project managing the re-design & re-platforming of our website from Magento 1 to Magento 2. This included finding the right web development company to work with by completing and managing a tender process right through to delivery of a working website. The project was completed and all challenges that will occur in a project such as this were overcome.


Amy is efficient, pleasant and delivered the project to a high level. I would recommend Amy as a good choice for project managing website re-designs. She is very pleasant whilst firm to deliver goals on time.”


Mark Antliff – CEO – EUROPC


We engaged Amy to help us grow the online sales of our existing eCommerce site. She undertook a comprehensive audit of our site, technical infrastructure and business processes, identifying a number of quick wins and longer-term improvements. As a result, operational processes have been streamlined, online sales have increased significantly, and we now have a website that has a strong customer-centric focus. Personable and authoritative, Amy quickly won the trust and support of the business, ensuring that everyone was working towards the same goals and implementing best practice.


Amy remains a valued partner, and operates very much as an extension of our in-house team. I wouldnt hesitate to recommend Amy to other retailers looking to improve their eCommerce channels.


Alex Hogarth – Managing Director – Hogarth


“The work we did with Amy provided us with invaluable insight into eCommerce best practices, giving us the confidence to successfully launch and manage our eCommerce website. By integrating our Amazon marketplace with our eCommerce platform and optimising our product listing, Amy maximised our selling opportunities and streamlined our operational processes. She understood the immediate needs of the business and her dedication and expertise allowed us to strengthen our online trading activities. I look forward to working with Amy in the future.”


Amanda Brown – Founder – Phone My Mum

who we work with Phone My Mum


I found Amy to be very professional and capable and I would have no hesitation in recommending her to any organisation.


Charles Hogarth – Managing Director – Murray Hogarth


Amy brings a strong commercial focus to a wide range of eCommerce problems. Her background in fashion retail and her experience in driving operational change, means that she is able to provide relevant, targeted solutions that positively impact on sales growth.


Robert Kimpton – Director – BPW Consultancy

bpw consultancy, what people say