eCommerce - Ecommerce Consultancy
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When it comes to eCommerce, we understand the challenges you face in developing a successful and profitable online business.



With years of commercial experience as eCommerce managers, we can assist you at any stage of your online strategy. Acting as your head of eCommerce, or your whole eCommerce department, we can offer insight, expertise and decision making.


Whether you are a small business looking to bridge any skills gaps, or a larger business looking to launch or expand your online trading activities, we can support you.


As eCommerce consultants we can help run all, or part of, your online trading channels. This can include making decisions on what you sell online, implementing competitive pricing structures and online visual merchandising or, advising on the best promotions and marketing strategy for your business. We will analyse your trading performance on a daily basis, make tactical decisions to strengthen performance and manage their execution, while providing regular performance reports to senior management.


Additionally, we can support you through one-off projects, by advising and executing on strategies that are unique to your business needs. Whether it is selecting an eCommerce platform to launch your first transactional website, or integrating your multi-channel platforms and services to aid in the expansion of your business. We will be there supporting and advising you every step of the way.

Ecommerce consultancy case study on Hogarth



Hogarth is a contemporary Scottish fashion accessory retailer and designer energised by their long family history in the textile industry. With an already established international presence in the wholesale industry, they wished to further develop the business by expanding their retail operations, with a particular focus on eCommerce.


Hogarth identified the need to drive additional traffic and increase sales online, but required support to understand and prioritise the various changes they could make to their existing website. The key challenges were in assessing the effectiveness of their eCommerce presence, current set-up and performance, while evaluating, and improving upon, the marketing strategy for the retail business as a whole.