Marketing & Trading - Ecommerce Consultancy
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Marketing & Trading

With a background in client-side eCommerce teams, we offer a unique understanding of what your business and customers need.



We can assist you across all aspects of digital marketing, from defining your strategy and budget to the execution and management of campaigns.


As Google certified marketing consultants, we can help you maximise your marketing opportunities and help you grow your online sales.


From taking over the management of your existing pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, to launching product listing ads (PLAs) for thousands of products, we can audit, analyse, execute and measure your campaigns, while benchmarking your performance against your competitors to ensure you receive the best possible ROI whatever your budget!


We can also define your email strategy and ensure that your marketing calendar is focused towards promoting key dates, helping you to maximise your traffic and revenue opportunities.


Understanding your customers, and the competitive environment is important for ensuring profitable trading. As consultants, we can ensure that your eCommerce analytics are correctly set up to measure the essential KPIs and data that your business needs to succeed.

Ecommerce consultancy case study on Hogarth



Hogarth is a contemporary Scottish fashion accessory retailer and designer energised by their long family history in the textile industry. With an already established international presence in the wholesale industry, they wished to further develop the business by expanding their retail operations, with a particular focus on eCommerce.


Hogarth identified the need to drive additional traffic and increase sales online, but required support to understand and prioritise the various changes they could make to their existing website. The key challenges were in assessing the effectiveness of their eCommerce presence, current set-up and performance, while evaluating, and improving upon, the marketing strategy for the retail business as a whole.